The Awayday is such a brilliant idea! I might try it, even though there's only one of me so I would need to make sure I did set up a couple of related meetings with contacts as well as focusing on strategic planning. Thank you for yet another encouraging newsletter. I got a nice acceptance of a random pitch yesterday - timing is always so important in the new year. nobody wants to think too much in their first couple of days back at work, and then the press releases start rolling in, but if you can catch an editor before they have planned too much for the next few months it can really pay off.
Well done! And you could always do a joint away day with another freelancer - I've done this before, where I've sat down with another writer and discussed goals / opportunities / ideas for the year :-) Well worth doing and sometimes the extra perspective of someone else is invaluable!
The Awayday is such a brilliant idea! I might try it, even though there's only one of me so I would need to make sure I did set up a couple of related meetings with contacts as well as focusing on strategic planning. Thank you for yet another encouraging newsletter. I got a nice acceptance of a random pitch yesterday - timing is always so important in the new year. nobody wants to think too much in their first couple of days back at work, and then the press releases start rolling in, but if you can catch an editor before they have planned too much for the next few months it can really pay off.
Well done! And you could always do a joint away day with another freelancer - I've done this before, where I've sat down with another writer and discussed goals / opportunities / ideas for the year :-) Well worth doing and sometimes the extra perspective of someone else is invaluable!
Great idea! Thank you.